Steph Roberts

A white woman with brown hair, tied back under a long blue headscarf, and a fringe. I have a nosering and am looking at the camera with a slight smile - more with the eyes than the teeth.
Handwritten text, which says 'visual arts curator, researcher, writer'

Right, here’s the thing. There are two Stephanie Roberts’ working in the visual arts in south Wales and I’m one of them (yeah, I know – Welsh problems). So to help you out I go by Steph – or Steph Celf (Celf = Welsh for Art).

So if you came for gorgeous community mosaics and street fairies – alas, that’s not me! Try Stephanie Roberts Art.

BUT if you’re looking for Art in Museums, mixed in with words, chronic illness and disability justice stuff (and the odd Welsh lesson), you’re in the right place. Hooray! Stay. Croeso 🙂